Tuesday, August 25, 2009

More of the same

This week was much like the previous weeks. I like pictures to capture our doings. We slept.
Splashed at the splash park. (Some of us. Some of us were kind of timid and others of us preferred to read books; but at least one of us got really wet!)

We built things.

Blew some bubbles, of course.

Did the chores. . .


Looked cute.

Hiked some more!
It was a great week! The highlight for me was definitely checking out a new church. New Hope Christian Church is farther from our house than we were hoping to drive, so we were hoping to cross it off our list. Instead-we loved it! The plan now is to continue looking at a few more local churches, but know that we have one we're excited about. God reminded me that HE KNOWS what we need and long for. He showed us a church where peoples' faiths are real and alive, they love God and they love each other! My favorite part was their worship style. They have a contemporary band sing new choruses, then in a different part of the service they bring out the organ and piano and play a hymn medley! I think that would be the perfect compromise for many churches! We'll see.
The boys are growing. Jonas is saying tons of words now, which kind of alarms Jason and I when we're not expecting it. You ask Caedmon where something is and Jonas answers, "I don't know." Caed is growing in wisdom, stature, and in favor with his brother. :-) We are very proud he's learning to share things BEFORE a fit and spanking. He is big enough to reason with which is refreshing! He often sees something Jonas has that he wants, and says, "When Jonas is done playing with it then I can have it, ok?" YES some of our parenting is paying off!

Well that is enough musings of a bored housewife I suppose. Have a wonderful week because He lives!


  1. Wow, you are definitely an official blogger with THREE whole posts! It's so fun to see your cute cute pictures and hear your stories. (I'm amused at the pink background for all your photos of boys.) I'm glad you found a good church possibility. Have a fun week!

  2. Fireman AND Builder in the same post...such versatility all in one little bundle.
    Who has more fun---you or the boys? Looks like you've been Gallavanters Extraordinaire.
    Love the pics! Anxious to hear about the church...
