Sunday, February 14, 2010

I got new glasses on Friday. Today Caedmon was staring at me and said, "Mom, your glasses are different!" I said, "Yes, they are, do you like them?" He said, "Mom, I said they look DIFFERENT."

Tonight I was putting ketchup on Caedmon's plate, and Jonas said he wanted some "dip, dip" too. Caedmon said, "Jonas, it's not dip, dip, it's kepitch!" Jonas said, "kepitch." Caedmon said, "MOM! Jonas can say kepitch now!"

Jason asked, "Is it time for dinner?" Caedmon said, "Yes, honey."

I love my life! What did I used to laugh about before these boys?!

I don't know why Caedmon starts songs so high, but I thought this was hilarious!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Like a child

When I shut the curtains for Jonas' nap, Caedmon said, "Jesus loves you so you don't need a light, Jonas."

While driving in the car Caedmon's carseat was in the blaring sun. He started coughing, then remarked, "Sometimes when it's bright, you cough."

Today Caedmon prayed before lunch, "Thank you for my GOOD family!"

Caedmon says most of the funny things these days, but I am really appreciating the stage Jonas is in right now! He is so enthusiastic about life. Caedmon's 3 year wisdom has made him a bit cynical and "bored" with life at times, but Jonas is still eager about anything new!

For example, in the morning we usually do some Bible activities. Often Caedmon refuses to sing all the fun kid songs, but that doesn't hinder Jonas. He belts them out loudly and is not too cool to do all the motions! When he disobeys, one spanking is sufficient to get the point across.

Jonas is also not shy about loving on people! Caedmon loves us, but it is completely on his terms now. You can't just ask him for hugs anymore. Jonas, on the other hand, will always play our silly baby games, shout "I love you too!!!!!", and dash into our arms to cuddle.

It is kind of sad to watch your innocent kids grow up and become independent. Even at 3, Caedmon is still innocently precious in many ways, and I wonder how much more stubborn I am to my heavenly Father. Crossing my hands over my chest, saying, "you can't make me unless I feel like it."

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Name them one by one

Feeling thankful! The last couple of weeks I have been in a rut, you know the kind. My family was sick, and I was lethargic about EVERYTHING from keeping up my house, to playing with my kids, to seeking God. The results were predictable, feelings of loneliness, selfishness, discontentment.

Today I went to Moms Bible group and didn't learn anything in particular, except that I NEED female fellowship and encouragement! I felt spurred on, regained a passion to read the Word and to try my hardest to parent with all my might!

Afterwards I connected with a NEW friend Stephanie, we hit up Denny's for the free grand slam! I think we will grow to be good friends, and I was encouraged that God knows my every need and always provides!

Jason filed our taxes last night, and once again kids pay off! :-) God is sending us a bunch of money via Uncle Obama! What a relief to know we have a pad for the next year! Next year we get to claim 3 kids, but I don't think $1,000 comes close to covering Caedmon's ravenous appetite!

Did I mention we're all healthy finally?! After 2 rounds of flu-both ends, we are feeling much better! As soon as our landlord replaces our washing machine I can wash the mountains of vomit/diarrhea laundry! Will need prayers that day. ;-)

Another huge praise, Jonas is making leaps and double bounds in potty-training! He has been dry the last 2 nights, and has not had a wet nap since we started a couple weeks ago!

I made it to the 2nd trimester, and the difference is obvious! I feel much better and have twice the energy-like the textbooks promise! Our little apple can hear voices now and swallow its own pee!

I read Job today and for some reason felt compelled to thank God for how enjoyable my life is! He gives and takes away, but today he gives and gives and we are grateful!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Extravagant Love

From Casting Crowns

Your love is extravagant
Your friendship, it is intimate...

Spread wide in the arms of Christ
there's a love that covers sin
No greater love have I ever known;
You considered me a friend
Capture my heart again.

I think of Abraham and Isaac. Binding Isaac on the altar as he looks in his eyes, wondering how his daddy can choose to blatantly kill him.

I have experienced great love before, certainly my diamond ring and other big gifts, my skis and bike, my college education and car, were huge demonstrations of love that cost someone something. Never have I been loved like I am loved by Christ, though, extravagantly.

When Jesus chose to leave heaven, he gave absolutely everything! Father God left his only child in his darkest hour. Watched him go through unimaginable hurt for me. Jesus forgave me while I was still hurting him. THAT is extravagant. All I have to give back is adoration.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Finally, a family picture posted by Mary that I can steal and blog about! Elaine is not yet part of our family, and the picture is also missing two other significant other halves, Martie's Rusty and Abby's Fritz, but at least all the biological sibs made it! Sad to think when we'll next all be together-with more kids! That's right, Mary's baby is due end of June, and we are expecting a new member around August 17th! During our Kansas reunion it seemed I was showing so early so everyone joked that it must be twins. We found out today it isn't. Which is a good thing since they had proceeded to name the twin girls Mischka and Rainbow. (I'm sorry this techy-challenged mom couldn't rotate the pic!)

This picture also features the sisterhood of the traveling maternity pants-which have been through 2 of my pregnancies, Sarah's 1, and Mary's 2! They are headed to Africa, but I got to wear them for a few hours! :-)

What a joy to be anticipating another baby! I looooove babies! My husband is enjoying the kids we have, but he never thought he would have a large family. I am very happy God is giving us 3!!!

It is fun to speculate what sex this one might be. Of course we wanted our 2 boys, but in Jason's words, another boy just sounds "boring!" I would be inclined to say another boy just sounds like a lot of chaos! So we both would love to meet a little girly girl this time around.
A lot of things are different this time around. I have been a lot sicker, fatter, and uglier! My skin has broken out a lot more, and my belly is bigger and wider. But I know not to count my chickens or hens before they're hatched. ;-) Another new thing, we have never liked our girls' names in the past and now we love our girl name and can't agree on any boy's names! We will just have to see. I promise not to blog about every little detail of pregnancy after this though!